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ZOA Life is only available at The College of Charleston, all other colleges coming Spring 2015!

The goal of ZOA Life is to unleash your full Greek potential. Providing a connective platform between the whole Greek community and an effective method of communication within each chapter, ZOA Life is a one-stop application and website designed to enhance your Greek life experience.

Through strategic simplicity, we aim to reduce disorganization and miscommunication. Being Greek is fun, sexy, life altering and enriching—so why shouldn’t the system that holds it all together be also? Welcome to ZOA Life!

Some of our time saving features include…
-GPS check-in/check-out of ANY type of event
-Merchandise sharing across chapters
-Events sharing to the entire Greek community
-Chapter contacts with position, major, social medias, etc.
-Quick and organized announcements
-Point management
-Study hour mapping

The New Standard of Greek Life.